


Is Shikkui effective against “Influenza virus” and “COVID-19”!?



(内容を知りたい方は こちら を参照してください。)



Shikkui (a lime plaster) has a lot of advantages; fire resistant, humidity control, deodorizing, cleanliness, anti-bacteria, VOC neutralizing and so on. It is said that it helps prevent “Influenza virus” and “COVID-19 (coronavirus)” from infection.

The main raw material of Shikkui is “slaked lime (Calcium hydroxide)”. Slaked lime is based on ancient coral reefs and has a structure with fine holes, so it absorbs bacteria and viruses and suppresses proliferation.


When a bird flu and CSF was occurred in Japan, workers wearing white protective clothing sprinkled a large amount of white powder inside and around the poultry house to disinfect them. That white powder is the main raw material of Shikkui, the slaked lime.

In fact, Shikkui has been demonstrated to have 99.9% inactivation effect on “influenza virus.” “COVID-19”, which is currently rampant, has the same membrane-like structure as the influenza virus, so it is said that the same effect can be obtained in theory.


Kamakura Shikkui also contains “diatomaceous earth”, which is incomparable with the amount of fine holes, so it has a mechanism of absorbing everything in the air into them and decomposing them with the power of Shikkui.